18 Months Without Practice (Yikes!?!) / Father’s Day Shout-Out to AZACH’S WORLD

Hey, gang. It’s been 18 months since I’ve posted a video, and just about the same amount of time since I’ve practiced cubing. Maybe a random solve here or there when they kids find a cube somewhere. But that’s it. The simple explanation: I got really, really busy. All good stuff. Just very distracting and time consuming. Not much spare time over the past 18 months for hobbies.

Cubing is not like riding a bike. You don’t do it for a bit, and you forget. Quickly. Below is a solve I posted as an excuse to accomplish something else entirely. You can see how rusty I am. My recognition is abysmal (let’s be honest, it was never great); my technique and finger tricks are embarrassing; and I forgot several cases (or at least they didn’t come reflexively). Oh well. I’ll start practicing again, and I’m sure the muscle memory will come back.

So, why all of a sudden crawl out of the woodwork to post a crappy solve? Because it’s Father’s Day, and my son has been begging me to. That’s why.

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Happy Fathers’ Day

I wrote a while back about my older son exploring the cube. Well, when my 20-month-old saw me filming the Megaminx walk-through yesterday (on the eve of Fathers’ Day), he wanted in on the act, too.

He rejected the technique in my tutorial as inefficient, and devised his own way of solving the Megaminx: Drop it. Watch pieces fly off. Put it back together. Repeat.

To all the dads out there doing all the things dads do, and to my boys and wife who make this a very meaningful day for me, HAPPY FATHERS’ DAY!